The PSA Ferret was made for the purpose of saying more serious things that neither Geo or Ronts would know how to put into words. You may be thinking: "Wait? The inspiration ferrets can speak?" To which I say, "Of course they do. What do you think the dooking was all about?"
Just don't think too hard about it.
The design of this fellow I blame partly on
@IzziCat on Twitter who insisted she wouldn't want a PSA presented from a normal looking ferret. I have to agree.
Next week may be a guest week. I need to get some permissions. One may be something awesome you peeps have already seen, the other may be a special presentation of something exceptionally awesome I was given a few weeks back.
Don't worry, it won't be long. I'm not going on hiatus or anything.
Famous last words.
Shush, Ronts.